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If you but knew NOW the tremendous Power lying dormant, but potential, within You, you would not hesitate to bend every effort to unloose It in your life and





A course to awaken
your mind´s potential 

by learning how to easily re-program your subconscious mind

in order to manifest the life
that you truly want



You were born to live a full and happy life, but no matter how hard you try, your attempts to achieve happiness are hindered by a series of negative conditionings that seem to never go away: they are those negative feelings that prevent you from living the life that you deserve.

As long as these conditionings remain latent within your subconscious mind, your experience of life will continue to be full of difficulties in areas such as work, finances or personal relationships.


Autosuggestion leads you to release those conditionings that are causing a lack of flow in one or various areas of your life.

As a result, you will experience an organic positive transformation in the area of your life where these conditionings had previously exerted their influence.


You can be whoever you want to be, and you can have the life that you deserve. But in order to achieve this, there is an inner work that you must do.

“Auto-suggestion is a form of Self-hypnosis in which one becomes conscious of that which his self-suggestion imposes, to the exclusion of any and all ideas or imaginings opposed to his desire.


Holding the thought of his desire in Mind almost constantly impresses it into the Sub-consciousness and so a nervous reaction develops, which compels emotion and physical action, in the direction of the attainment of his desire - object, or objective.”


Dr. Hugh Greer Carruthers



The most powerful forces both in Nature and in human beings

are the invisible ones.


The most powerful force in you is the power of your mind.


The only reason why you don't pay more attention to the power of your mind and awaken its potential

is because since being a child you have been taught

to see yourself as a mere speck of dust in this Universe.

The Law of Cause and Effect, which affects us as much as the Law of Gravity, postulates:

"For each and every one of the causes (thoughts) there must be an effect (circumstance)

identical in nature to the cause that originated it.

And for each and every effect (circumstance),

there must have been a cause (thought) of the same nature, that originated it".


As you see, life is neither good nor bad.

It is your conscious and subconscious attitude what is shaping your life

into good or bad, positive or negative circumstances.

You can't blame anyone else for the mistakes you make.

You and you alone are responsible for any loss,

any lack, any suffering, any failure, any disharmony or any other discomfort

that has become your experience,

because you are unaware of the sleeping giant that is your mind

and ignore, misunderstand and misdirect the Law of Cause and Effect.

You think of a problem (negative cause) and it will not leave your life (negative effect),

when you should ONLY focus on the solution (positive cause) if you want to get there (positive effect).

By worrying about money, you maintain a poverty consciousness (negative cause)

and you continue experiencing narrow circumstances (negative effect),

when only prosperity consciousness (positive cause)

can bring opportunities and an increased abundance (positive effect).

You keep inharmonious thoughts about certain relationships (negative cause)

and discord between you and them increases (negative effect),

when if you steadily concentrated only in feeling in harmony (positive cause)

you would make harmony prevail (positive effect).

A little reasoning will make this Truth apparent.


But since you have been educated in fear and insecurity,

you have become accustomed to complaining, to crying and shrinking,

and believe there is not much you can do to be fulfilled in your life.

Do you prefer to believe that you are just a speck of dust in the scheme of life?

 Or believe that what happens to you is subject to chance or luck?

Or that you don't have the power to be who you really want to be, or have what you want?

Azul degradado


Imagine experiencing new states of consciousness

that reflect the fullness and well-being that you long for.

Imagine that your fears and insecurities dissipate.

Imagine that that which you have decided to autosuggest yourself with

starts happening in your life.

Imagine the excitement and sense of fulfillment that you would experience.





As we were locked down, a part of my business stopped.

I decided to suggest myself into a steady, reliable income. Not only I did not lose anything: in only one month my business grew a 40% and I gained quality time in my life. I was working less, making more money.


I begun experiencing new states of prosperity consciousness and new ideas popped up in my mind that, when I implemented them, took me to that stable 40% business growth. 

I have practiced and taught the power of creative thinking, visualization and positive affirmations for more than 30 years, and I must say that I am in awe at how effective autosuggestion is. I have never seen such immediate results with any other technique or course, including hypnosis. 

Your Subconscious Mind holds your beliefs system,

your beliefs influence your decisions and your decisions take you

to the circumstances that you are living.


The fastest, most effective method to effectively re-program your beliefs

in your Subconscious Mind is Autosuggestion.

I taught my students how to autosuggest themselves. I was impressed at witnessing

how fast and easily they attained their dreams.


This is why I know that you too can suggest yourself and re-program your subconsciousness to feel abundant, to live in peace, to develop self-confidence, to expand your business or to enjoy harmonious relationships. You can program your Subconscious Mind into anything you decide

that you want to live.

You can successfully make the Law of Attraction

bring into your life that which is important to you.


You can steer the rudder of your life with auto-suggestion:

It won't take a minute of your day,

and it's absolutely effective.

And above all: you can become a much happier and a more fulfilled person.


But in order to achieve all this, there is a knowledge

that you need to acquire and implement.


Chica adolescente



Is a more effective method than visualization

to manifest abundance,

self-esteem, harmony in your relationships

or overall wellbeing in your life.


With 43 recorded classes

to learn how to re-program your subconscious mind

and make your dreams come true.

I will help you develop the most effective auto-suggestions, supporting you via email and through the Autosuggestion

Facebook Group.

Autosuggestion helps you:

  • To feel prosperous and be prosperous 

  • To be enough

  • To program your mind into perfect health

  • To open yourself up to receive the best of life

  • To set up your mind for success, and more...

Autosuggest yourself

to awaken the potential of your mind

and having the life that you want.

A method that improves your life,

and awakens the sleeping giant that is your Mind.



Keep reading

Familia feliz en la naturaleza


My students who practice auto-suggestion tell me that the financial improvements

they wanted have finally happened,

and that family conflicts that for years needed to be harmonized have found ease,

all in the midst of this pandemic.



Hi! I'm Marta Martin.

I am the author of “You can heal yourself Reiki”, "Ciencia Mental" and “Un jardín más allá del Paraíso” a Rumi poetry book. I am also the Founder of My Spiritual Spa, as well as the Abhaya Personal Development School, both established in Spain and offering worldwide online classes.

Professionally, I worked in New York State as the Editorial Director of an international course on meditation and personal development; In New York I studied meditation and Eastern philosophies for seven years and was trained in various alternative therapies.


I have over 30 years of experience in personal development focused on implementation and results, based in ancient Schools of Wisdom from Tibet and India. Thousands of students around the world have taken my courses.


My need to find my own spiritual balance led me to live in an ashram (a monastery) where I could find the answers to all my questions about life and my role in it.

I found the meaning of life


I was able to transform my insecurities into personal strength and my negative thinking into joy.

I learned how to be the creator of my own reality!

This is why I want to teach others

that they could live the life they want

when they implement personal development methods

that produce results.

Amigas felices

I believe in people's potential.

Once it awakens,

their lives improve so much

that it will never be the same again.


From theory to results

Let us be honest: theory never changed anyone's life.

The practical application of personal development

is the only thing that unleashes your inner potential

and manifest immediate improvements in your life.

With Autosuggestion I want to help you get past the theory

to truly live the results that you seek for yourself and your life.

I want to motivate you to awaken and unleash the power

that lies dormant in potential within your mind,

so that you can live the life that you want.


In Autosuggestion I share

more than 30 years of study and implementation

of personal development

so that you may easily get 

the life that you feel happy with

I have never seen results
like the ones Autosuggestion offers

After years of teaching and practicing

the power of the mind and creative visualization,

Autosuggestion blows my mind

My students used Autosuggestion to accomplish all of this:

A resounding success in the expansion of her yoga business, multiplying by 4 the number of students when she launched her online teaching. Ana suggested herself with her professional success.


She also enjoys high quality time with her family, something that she had been wanting for so long.

All of this happened in the middle of the pandemic.

Maria improved her self-esteem, self-respect and the gradual disappearance of the tendency to mentally punish herself and of overeating, by autosuggesting herself in self-love and appreciation of herself.

Alba finally experienced an organic distancing from a conflictive person in her life by suggesting herself in deserving respect for herself, which resulted in her enjoying a greater harmony and well-being.

Mercedes enjoyed a greater income in her business in the middle of the pandemic, after wanting this for years.


She suggested herself with prosperity and stopped practicing thoughts of worry and uncertainty, which had kept her experiencing some form of lack.

Chica con los brazos estirados

Autosuggestion is designed to teach you how to live your life from your potential so that your life fulfills you, and you open yourself to receive all the good things that you so much deserve.

mujer durmiente

You decide what to suggest yourself with. You will practice autosuggestion while you sleep, so you don't need use time from your day.

Mujer sonriendo

New ideas will rain on you. You will enjoy new states of consciousness charged with the feeling of already being or having what you want, so that Law of Attraction can attract it to your life.

pestañas largas

You will re-program and re-educate your subconscious mind in a positive way, to live a fulfilled life.

Ojos y cejas

You will be able to help your loved ones develop positive beliefs for their happiness, joy and success.

Niña que miente en hierba

The Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction will constructively work, gathering all elements needed for you to be living the life that you truly want

foto marta ordenador fondo transparente.png

I will support you  through email as well as a FB group, for your autosuggestions to be perfectly written and effective.

You will be able to eternally access the content of this course.


You are one click away

From awakening the power

that lies dormant within your mind

Autosuggestion covers all these topics:


Self-knowledge to discover the creative power of your mind


In order to have

the life that

you want


To reprogram your subconscious mind while you sleep


To easily call forth the life that you want and so much



To re-educate your belief system and live your best life


To know every step

of the way

to meet your destiny

Familia juguetona


Autosuggestion teaches you how to re-program your subconscious mind

into the positive changes that you want for yourself.

You will be able to then teach and guide your loved ones into experiencing

stable improvements in their lives, from day one.


"Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right."

But if you believe you can, it will be infinitely easier for you to have it!

Moving towards the life you long for, positively affects all areas of your life,

including your relationships.





Mar, Teacher of Natural Vision

The course I've taken with you has given me the power to decide who I want to be, how I want to live and what I want to have. It has taught me how to focus on my desired results.

Just knowing that I have the tools to do so gives me a great emotional stability and so much peace, and seeing the results is just so great.


I want to thank you, Marta, for creating this course, for being so special and for expressing all your knowledge from the bottom of your soul.


You have opened the doors to the world I want, and now I know that it is possible to live in it.

Niño en el psicólogo

Thanks to Autosuggestion we have managed to see how a bullying situation that my 8-year-old son had been experiencing for years at school "just disappeared". We don't know of any other way to describe what has happened.  


Our previous attempts to protect him didn't work until I used autosuggestion! We are really excited because the change has taken place in a totally natural way and without any kind of negativity.

- María. Teacher.

Marta Payerpaj I.png

I wanted to thank you for all the greatness of your work. I worked on abundance and it has been just wonderful. I finally sold my house! I am now renting an apartment that is so close to my children's school, and this makes my life a lot easier. My past financial struggles are now gone.

Working with you has been fantastic for many reasons.


Many times, I have thought of writing to you to tell you about this, to thank you, but I imagined that you probably have many people to respond to because this work is really fabulous.

- Marta Sánchez. Literature Teacher.

Mujer en el campo

This is an oasis in which I take refuge every single day

Paloma. Teacher.


I just wanted to tell you that together with yoga, you have been a wonderful support that has given meaning to all of this. Thank you so much!



The explanations and knowledge that you share are incredible. You are amazing, I am telling you this from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how glad I am that I found you. I am super grateful to you, to the Universe that has given this to me, and to me, of course, ha ha! Because I work so much on my personal development.


- Ana

I set the goal of obtaining a job position through a very specific and complicated exam. My difficult personal and working situation made it seem completely impossible to me that I could get that job

and I felt totally disempowered.


So, desperate and hopeless as I was, I tried this. What could I lose?


I saw myself already working in the position, even calling Marta to tell her: “Marta, it was practically impossible for me to get the job. But it turns out that I got it and it is even better than I could have ever imagined, because something extraordinary has happened."


And so, it was! Although the process was very hard and complicated, I would have never imagined that in addition to getting the long-awaited position, I would have the possibility of working from home and enjoying a freedom that I would have never dreamed of.


So, next time, I will see myself achieving the result that I want in a simple and pleasant way. Motivation is important, but leaving the door open for wonderful things to happen is already a completely credible option for me.

- Maria


I have never experienced an inner state like the one I am in now!

I didn't want to let more time go before telling you how great I feel. What a way to enjoy everything that surrounds me!


I never thought I could love others in such a beautiful way, but mainly, I really want to thank you for helping me transform my perception of people. The way I am enjoying this is so difficult to describe, I am having such a wonderful time with the children that I work with!  Such wonderful beings!

Thank you very much for helping me so much!

I love listening to my audio when I get home from work, and I feel like every time I listen to it, it makes my mind a little more fertile."

- Leo. Engineer.

I feel that I am connected to a "machine" that fills my life with wonderful things.

Like when you answer my questions, especially when you do it through an audio. I spend the whole day in high spirits, in a very good vibe!

- Almudena. Mom and Secretary.

I loved the audio with positive affirmations. When I heard it for the first time I felt so moved! Thank you!

- Carmen. Hairdresser.

I wanted to congratulate you and thank you for putting all this work and wisdom in our hands. It's a real gem and I'm really enjoying it."

- Nuria. English teacher.

You have no idea of how great this has been for me. I was very stuck in "I have a lot of work, I have a lot of work", feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

I stopped for a moment and focused on: "I am calm, I always find solutions", and I now feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

María José. Business Owner. 

I am delighted with this information; everything is settling down. Thank you."

- Amanda. Mexico.


I wanted to take this chance to let you know that something is happening, because things are changing. I think it is the depth of this work, it is very effective.


I feel less negativity, less fear, more concentration, less distractions, I am way more aware, I sleep phenomenal and I am at ease.


So, I'm happy, as you can imagine!

- Marisol. Mother and government worker.

Thank you very much for this wonderful gift. I had my doubts because I was afraid I would not be able to deal with the latest technologies; however I am enjoying it to the max! I've been so high all this week. My smile is back! Laughter comes out of me, freely. My energy is alive. I'm happy... I'm happy...."

- Arantza.


The results you get from taking it are invaluable,
and the current cost of Autosuggestion is $510 

With several bonuses!

I want this knowledge to be accessible to all who want it. If this price is unaffordable to you, please write to me and I will consider a scholarship for you:


What will you receive in the Autosuggestion Course?

43 recorded classes in video and audio.
Online access to a total of 7.5 hours of classes ......... Value = $510

BONUS 1: Access to a Facebook group where I will support you for an indefinite amount of time, helping you write your autosuggestion, practicing it and answering all your questions 
BONUS 2: I personally answer all my students. I will answer all of your questions through the email, now and always. This means that if you sign up now to Autosuggestion and have a question in three years, I will be there for you
BONUS 3: Ongoing access to the E-learning platform where the course is held
BONUS 4: Permission to share this course up with up to 4 family members who live with you under the same household.

Your mind is a slumbering giant



A course to awaken your mind´s potential 

by learning how to easily re-program your subconscious mind

in order to have the life that you want

  • 43 recorded classes in video and audio

  • Access to a Facebook group where I will support you by helping you create your autosuggestion, and answering all your questions ​

  • My support through email, now and always

  • Ongoing access to course materials on the website

  • Permission to share this course up with up to 4 family members who live with you under the same household


Ask me your questions:


Phone #: (+34) 615 404 115


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100% Satisfaction guaranteed


I want in Autosuggestion only those students who are delighted to awaken the potential lying dormant, but potential, within their mind.

Once you buy the course, if you think it is not for you, you have 24 hours to let me know, and you will get a 100% reimbursement.



Do I need internet to access the course?

Yes. Your access to the classes is online.

Can I help my family with autosuggestion?

Indeed! You may teach them how to practice autosuggestion.

Many parents have seen very positive results in their children

helping them to feel accepted and respected,

to improve their learning skills or to be at ease

Can I share this course with other people?

Access to the course is personal and non-transferable,

but you can share it with up to 4 family members

who live with you under the same household.

Is there any risk in using auto-suggestion?

None. Autosuggestion is a quick way to convince your mind that you already have

that which you want to see manifest in your life.

You decide what it is that you want to live,

and apply the methodology to re-program your subconscious mind.

The Law of Attraction mobilizes everything necessary for that to come to you,

or for you to get to it through bringing those ideas that, when implemented,

most immediately take you to it.

All the wisdom that I share in this course is intended for healthy minded people

who want to explore the infinite potentialities that life has to offer them.

Is is also for those who are looking for a way to train their mind

into creating their own reality with great success.

Your mind is a slumbering giant



A course to awaken your mind´s potential 

by learning how to easily re-program your subconscious mind

in order to have the life that you want

  • 43 recorded classes in video and audio

  • Access to a Facebook group where I will support you by helping you create your autosuggestion, and answering all your questions ​

  • My support through email, now and always

  • Ongoing access to course materials on the website

  • Permission to share this course up with up to 4 family members who live with you under the same household


Ask me your questions:


Phone #: (+34) 615 404 115


Legal info

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The improvement that you are looking for must happen in your mind first 


An intelligent person will autosuggest herself

in order to re-educate her subconscious mind

to create the life that she wants

Copyright 2022 Marta Martin. All rights reserved.

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Phone number: (+34) 615 404 115

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